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Summer Berry...


I am overdue in sharing a smoothie recipe on my blog! I really love smoothies, especially in the summer! It is such a great way to incorporate a good amount of protein, nutrients from fruits AND veggies, as well as any additional support for the body, mind, and spirit. When I say additional support I am referring to things we can add into our smoothies for an extra nutritional boost and preventative medicine. These could include things like flaxseed meal, mushroom powders, collagen, and cacao...just to mention a few!

Preventative medicine is something I would like to write an entire blog on ! To touch on it here, we can use preventative medicine particularly when we are younger and most definitely as we age too, to prevent disease and illness in our future. The things we do each day, the movement, stress management tools, and nutrition all can be under the umbrella of preventative medicine.

For example using mushrooms( reishi, turkey tail, chaga etc.) whether its by a powder in smoothies, cooking with them, or use of a tincture throughout the week are impacting our cells, vitality, and longevity although we may not feel something right away. It will pay off down the road! I feel so deeply passionate about sharing this information with our younger generations because the younger we can realize this the more vital we can feel as well as promote our longevity and joy. Mushrooms are also known for their apoptogenic properties. Adaptogens help the body restore balance and combat things like fatigue, stress, anxiety, and enhance overall well being. They help to manage physical and mental stressors over time.

Our bodies create something called oxidative stress. They do this naturally through different metabolic processes and such but then there is added oxidative stress through the ways in which we live our lives or the unfortunate experiences we may encounter. Stress is inevitable and some amount of it is good for us. If there is an unhealthy balance of this oxidative stress systemically (throughout the body) it can lead to inflammation. Research is now showing this underlying inflammation can trigger and cause chronic preventable disease (cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's/dementia, etc). Smoothies are an amazing way to get a lot of ANTIOXIDANTS which can help to balance out that oxidative stress and that is why I LOVE them!

Each week I seem to crave different flavors in my smoothies that allows me to get creative with them! So here is the recipe for the Summer Berry:


  • about a cup of frozen strawberries

  • about 1/2 cup of frozen blueberries

  • generous handful of baby spinach

  • protein powder ( currently, I use an unflavored grass fed bone broth powder. I find an unflavored one allows the flavors of everything else to burst through!)

  • 1/4-1/2 cup full fat coconut milk (depending on how you enjoy the consistency of your smoothie)

  • spoonful of Almond butter

  • 1-2 Tbsp flaxseed meal

  • generous dash of cinnamon

  • a spoonful of honey if you want a little extra sweetness!

  • may require a little dash of water to blend easier

Throw everything in the blender, blend, pour, and enjoy truly liquid gold going

into the beautiful body that supports us each and everyday!

The extras you don't have to put into the smoothie if you don't have them would include the flaxseed meal, honey, and cinnamon.

This week I have also been adding in a scoop of a new collagen powder I purchased. It has hydrolyzed collagen as well a blend of adaptogens including lions mane mushroom, maca root, ginseng, and shatavari root. The brand is Winged Women's Wellness if you're interested in checking out their supplements. It also provides 10G of protein per scoop!

I hope you learned something new here and I hope you enjoy your delicious smoothie on a hot summer day!

I am always here to connect or reach out with any questions! As always, sending a loving and healing vibration to each and everyone of you!

With Love,


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