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Meditation, its Medicine, and its Magic

Meditation has not only been medicine for me; it has shown me a portal into the riches of life.

I have practiced yoga for about a decade. Before the last couple of years unfolded in my life, yoga was a practice for me that felt like stress relief and a place of ease. It was an outlet for me. I am so grateful I found yoga ten years ago. My yoga practice has deepened over the last couple of years. I have realized the significance of its medicine and acknowledge it now more as a meditative movement. It is important for me to still have fun with my practice and each class I have a different intention.

It was during the last couple of years that my spirituality has heightened! It has always been within me and the universe provided a pathway for me to more deeply connect to this place. I went through a pretty troublesome and I would say traumatic period of time at the end of 2018. During this time I moved back to New York, my home state, from San Diego, California. As I was navigating this challenging time, my body was pulling me toward spiritual practices. Things like more yoga, particularly gentle and more meditative classes, meditation, books about meditation, breathing practices, and just to seek out what I call now, self-healing tools, to heal and make peace with what I was moving through. I am grateful my intuition, the universe, and my team of light led me to this place. So much has shifted for me since then.

I created this blog to share how meditation has truly helped me and inspired me in my life.

Along this journey of connecting in a meditation space, beautiful things have transpired for me. Meditation has helped me to increase compassion. After some time, it was like I began to see the interconnectedness of all things. All things meaning the universe, planet Earth, my-self and others, past and future generations and the relationships with all of those things. It heightened my awareness around self-compassion as well.

Meditation has helped me to slow down, be in the moment, and truly feel those feel good emotions more deeply. Things like love, connection, and gratitude. It is almost like my senses have become heightened!

Meditation has increased my self-awareness. This one is so important. It is how we grow and evolve. We learn that change is a part of life. When our self-awareness increases, we connect with what we need to do more of or let go of to grow and/or heal. It becomes easier to see past limiting beliefs and conditioning. Our ego is at discernment for some time being.

With increased self-awareness, I found the ability to tune into my own needs and desires. It helped me to bring focus into my meditations for healing.

Meditation has helped me to reflect and process. This one is HUGE for me! This reflection and processing piece has provided me with more clarity. Journaling has been great medicine for me and at times I just journal for joy. As a cancer, I am deep. Reflection helps me to see things more clearly and ease my mind of too much, if that makes sense. When we're in meditation, we contemplate and hopefully make efforts in releasing things that are no longer serving us.

In todays world with our own personal stressors and worries, our families, and now with social media and other media in our face constantly with problems and stress, we need to make time to slow down, process, reflect, and let go or create change. Intentionally resting our minds is how we are going to stay connected to our truth, our needs, and our desires.

When we begin to heal our own-selves and make time to rest, we being to grow and evolve. This has a ripple effect that impacts the whole (the collective). It also helps to heal the collective.

So start with you!

Start with 5 deep intentional breaths. Take yourself outside during these summer mornings to breathe deeply. Be still.

Journal for 3-5 minutes.

Meditate for 5 minutes.

Start somewhere. Your body, mind, and spirit are waiting to be nourished. Your heart center is worthy of feeling loved more by you and sharing your love with the world. Your potential is infinite. Believe in your-self...I think this can be a significant piece, to believe in the power that is within you. When I began healing, carving out this time for my-self, getting still, and getting comfortable with discomfort at times, I honestly wasn't sure what I was doing or truly believed yet if it would help me or make an impact. Something deep within me was telling me to keep going and to keep showing up AND that is why I know this is my path and that is why I want to share this medicine!

Much Love. Sending healing energy.


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